The Complete FSA Eligibility List

Here it is — the most-comprehensive eligibility list available on the web. From A to Z, items and services deemed eligible for tax-free spending with your Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Savings Account (HSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) and more will be here, complete with details and requirements. Important Reminder: FSAs, HRAs and other account types listed may not all be the same. Be sure to check with your administrator to confirm if something is eligible before making a purchase.

Here it is — the most-comprehensive eligibility list available on the web. From A to Z, items and services deemed eligible for tax-free spending with your Flexible Spending Account (FSA), Health Savings Account (HSA), Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) and more will be here, complete with details and requirements. Important Reminder: FSAs, HRAs and other account types listed may not all be the same. Be sure to check with your administrator to confirm if something is eligible before making a purchase.

Hospital Services and Fees: FSA Eligibility

Hospital Services and Fees: eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Hospital services and fees are eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Hospital services and fees may be eligible with a limited purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA) if the care is related to vision or dental. Hospital services and fees are not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA).

What are hospital services and fees?

Hospital services and fees are also known as hospital charges. They typically encompass the services that hospitals provide to their patients outside of normal expenses related to the care of a physician or nurse, medicines, etc. Hospital services and fees include things like room and board, medical tests, use of facilities in emergency departments or the operating room, delivery room, or physical therapy (LIVESTRONG).

Hospital services and fees are separate from the charges that would come from a physician or medical professional for their direct services. Hospital services and fees are eligible for reimbursement with a consumer-directed healthcare account. Hospital services and fees vary by hospital, and may be billed different to an individual or an insurance company. Hospital services and fees are commonly listed online or can be accessed ahead of time.

Other charges that wouldn't be included with hospital services and fees are things like drugs for a medical procedure such as anesthesia. Laboratory screenings, tests, etc. are charged similarly. There are often different categories of fees within a hospital service and fee, such as when using an emergency room. In that example, there might be several categories depending on the severity of the medical condition or injury and therefore the level of care required. The hospital service and fee would increase with the category of treatment required.

Hospital services and fees are charged in order to support the overhead costs of maintaining a hospital. An example of why this fee exists is for 24/7 emergency room support. Hospital services and fees allow the emergency room to stay open at all times, whereas other physicians' offices are likely to close at night, and would not be available to provide the same sort of responsive emergency care.

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Don't know where to begin? Start with these popular categories to find the eligible items and services you need.
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