3 popular FSA products for home
The end of summer can be a good time to take inventory of products you need. As the seasons change, so do our healthcare needs. Some healthcare products may need to be restocked including first-aid kits, especially after going camping or planning other outdoor activities.
But, then there are products that you can re-use and keep at home year-round, like those that are in our Home Health Care category.
These are popular items that can help you treat different ailments at home, whether that's measuring blood pressure, treating pains, and more.
Here's a round-up of some popular products you can buy with your FSA for home:
For treating pain:
The Omron ElectroTherapy Pain Relief device applies methods use by doctors, chiropractors and other specialists, but is available for at-home use.
Shop for the Omron ElectroTherapy Pain Relief Device
For keeping tabs on your health:
QardioArm lets you easily connect to your smartphone to record blood pressure and other vitals on the go. You can easily monitor blood pressure at home, and share that data with loved ones, as well.
Shop for Qardio Arm Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor
For treating annoying colds or sinus pressure
When a cold or sinus pressure strike, so do their symptoms that can cause you a lot of pain and annoyances including stuffy noses, sinus pain, headaches and more. The Vicks vaporizer treats these nuisance, so that you can go on with your day and breathe easier.
Shop for the Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer
For always being prepared
Something that you may not immediately think about in terms of healthcare can actually be a life-saving device. You can buy a defibrillator with your FSA, and keep one of these devices in your car, at home or even at the office.