An Easy Way to Use Your FSA --

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - April 11, 2011), the only one-stop shop stocked exclusively with FSA eligibleproducts andservices, just made it even easier for the 35 million Americans covered by Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) to use their tax-free dollars. A series of site enhancements launched today will alleviate some of the hassle around the eligibility changes effective this year.

The eligibility changes require consumers to obtain a physician's prescription for many over-the-counter products in order to be reimbursed by their FSA. While there is already quite a bit of backlash against this new requirement includingThe Patient's Freedom To Choose Act, a bill that if passed would repeal this healthcare hurdle, is focused on continuing to make it easy and convenient for customers to use their FSAs.

Site enhancements include distinguishing between over-the-counter products that now require a prescription and those that do not, division of those products at check-out, and an enhanced FSA eligible service provider database that allows customers to easily find hundreds of FSA eligible services near their homes, from acupuncture and smoking cessation programs to optometrists and dentists.

"People are always surprised at the types of products and services you can buy with an FSA -- bandaids, for example, are fully FSA eligible," said Jeremy Miller, founder and president. "When you walk into a drugstore it is impossible to figure out what is and what isn't eligible with your FSA. At customers shop with confidence because the entire site is FSA eligible or FSA eligible with prescription." is stocked exclusively with FSA eligible products and services, accepts all FSA debit cards and major credit cards, offers 24/7 customer service, one-to-two-day turnaround, free shipping for orders $50+ and there is no need to submit receipts when using an FSA debit card on FSA eligible purchases. The site offers a 2011 FSA eligible product list and a database of those products that require a prescription:, as well as an eligibility checker:


Maria Tenaglia

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