Become a skin checker
Ninety percent of skin cancers are curable if detected in time.That's the main message from La Roche-Posay in its new "SKIN CHECKER" campaign in honor of Melanoma Awareness Month. The goal of the campaign is to encourage consumers to take a more active role in screening themselves and loved ones for melanoma by checking their beauty spots.
So, that means regularly checking for skin irregularities and, when in doubt, turning to a dermatologist for a closer look. Starring in the lead role of La Roche-Posay's latest campaign video are none other than two adorable Dalmatians who highlight the importance of checking beauty spots.
According to La Roche-Posay, each year 200,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed worldwide. In the U.S. alone, statistics show that one person dies every hour from melanoma. But, luckily, the odds of fighting melanoma are high as 90% of skin cancers be cured if they are detected in time. In its research across 23 countries, La Roche-Posay additionally found:
"- 1 out of 2 people never had their mole checked by a dermatologist
- 1 out of 4 people has never taken the time to check their own beauty spots."
Through the campaign, consumers can access lots of information about sun safety tips and skin cancer risks. La Roche-Posay also directs to what's known as the ABCDE method, which is a holistic approach to detecting suspicious moles on the body and urging consumers to visit dermatologists, if they're not sure about these beauty marks.
And, in its efforts to spread awareness, La Roche-Posay has created a community (online and offline) that encourages consumers to share the campaign details with friends and loved ones in an effort to fight skin cancer together and become a #SkinChecker.
Learn more details via La Roche-Posay, the Skin Checker campaign, and read about its research.
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