Health care coverage and government responsibility

Health care should not be the federal government’s responsibility. That’s at least according to a recent Gallup annual Health and Healthcare poll, which found 56% of Americans believe ensuring that all Americans have health coverage is not a “government responsibility.” In 2006, the majority of Americans were still convinced the government should play a bigger role in creating access to health care.

While the implementation of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA) and recent rollout of the health insurance marketplace have raised concerns about health care costs and coverage, Flexible Spending Account popularity has steadily increased as these plans are a great tool for out-of-pocket savings. These pre-tax accounts offer more than just a tax break – they’re another way to put away funds toward health care costs. Get more information about FSA eligible expenses.

Bipartisan Take

Republican attitudes towards this issue have shifted the most over the last few years – increasing from 53% to 86% feeling the government should not be responsible for health care coverage. Among independents there has been a 28-point increase since 2000 as independents feel government involvement in health care should be limited. Democratic opinion shifted as well and increased by 11 points since 2000 – which Gallup reported is the “highest level since Gallup first asked the question.”

“The continuing implementation of the ACA over the coming months and years will surely continue to shape Americans' attitudes toward the federal government's role in this area. It is not clear how the ACA's troubled rollout to date will affect attitudes over the next year,” Gallup added. “But as the debate about the implementation of the new healthcare law has unfolded, Americans have become less likely than ever to agree that the federal government should be responsible for making sure that all Americans have healthcare.”

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