July Mailbag! Recapping your best FSA Learning Center questions

Each month, we receive hundreds of great questions from our customers about everything relating to FSAs in our FSA Learning Center. This past June, we received a bunch of fantastic questions relating to product eligibility and account coverage, which may be helpful to other FSA users as well.
Here are our favorite Learning Center questions that could help you see your consumer-directed healthcare account in a new way. And if you have a question of your own, feel free to drop by and ask a question and we'll respond ASAP!
"Is an ice machine covered after knee replacement?"
That's a great question! In most cases, ice machines are not FSA eligible as they are not designed with an inherent medical purpose. However, cold packs are FSA eligible and they may be a better option to deliver cold therapy to specific areas of the body as opposed to ice. Check out our selection of cold packs to explore how your FSA can help treat injuries and administer cold therapy.
"Is this where I spend my GEHA wellness points?"
Yes! Those who have been issued GEHA wellness cards can spend their pre-paid cards at FSAstore.com on any of our qualified health products.
"Are Homeopathic visits covered under FSA?"
Homeopathic medicine is not an FSA-eligible expense, but it may be eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a doctor if it is used to treat a legitimate medical condition. Speak with your benefits administrator to find out what documentation is necessary to cover homeopathic visits with FSA funds.
"Is insulin eligible under FSA?"
Yes. Provided that the FSA plan covers the cost of all prescriptions (or over the counter items if purchasing over the counter without an Rx) as most do, insulin is an eligible FSA expense.
"Can I use FSA funds for exercise equipment?"
Exercise equipment is not eligible for reimbursement with an FSA, as the IRS considers these products as necessary for "general health" and not directly designed to treat a legitimate medical condition. However, if a doctor suggests a type of exercise equipment to treat a medical condition such as obesity, a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) will need to be submitted with a claim to ensure that the device is used for medical purposes.
"Can I submit a claim for a service that was performed in 2016 but I paid for in 2017?"
FSA funds can only be used on product/service expenses that have been incurred within the current plan year. For more plan-specific details such as plan year deadlines, please contact your FSA third party administrator or HR department.
Check back next month for another recap of our top Learning Center questions, and don't forget our other helpful FSA tools like our Eligibility List, FSA Calculator and FSA Tracker!