Make a commitment to physical fitness on National Walking Day
April 2, 2014 hails the arrival of National Walking Day. During the first Wednesday of every April the American Heart Association sponsors this initiative to fight inactivity at home, in the office and everywhere else in your daily life. Studies show that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk for heart disease, and exercising each day can have a lasting impact on limiting your risk of developing cardiovascular issues and other conditions that are linked to low activity levels.
If you're looking to shake off the rust from a long winter, consider using your Flexible Spending Account (FSA), to pick up FSA eligible items like cushioned insoles, leg wraps and anything else you may need to realize your fitness goals. Better yet, why not use National Walking Day as a means of spreading the message of the importance of physical fitness with others in your life?
Consider the following ideas to showcase your newfound commitment to increased activity, which will hopefully rub off on others in the process!
Organize a sneaker day at work
With the spring weather here in full swing, there will be plenty of days when your co-workers will look longingly outdoors and yearn to spend some time outside. The AHA suggests organizing a sneaker day at work where the company dress code is loosened and workers can come in wearing their active footwear. Get the gang together for a group walk during the day, or consider holding a meeting outside. In addition to providing a welcome change from the ordinary, this is an excellent time to share with your co-workers the importance of regular physical activity and how they can fit it into their workdays.
Make walking a family activity
Whether you have small children or teenagers at home, make your family time revolve around physical activity in some way. Take a walk around the neighborhood after dinner on calm evenings, split up the dog walking duties and consider taking regular trips to hiking trails and nature walks in your area. This is a fantastic opportunity to bond with your loved ones, as well as fostering a lifelong love of physical activity and the desire to get out and explore.
Treat yourself to exercise gear
Increasing your activity level and going even farther by setting a series of fitness goals is all about wiring your mind to make these activities apart of your daily routine. There's no better way to provide a boost to your motivation than by splurging on a few new pieces of activewear, which will help you feel fit, fashionable and confident in a walking regimen or something more intensive.
Be sure to use your FSA to pick up post-workout items like hot and cold packs, cushioned insoles, elastic bandages, leg braces and many more FSA eligible products. These purchases will help you effectively treat sprains, soreness and any injuries that may arise as you gradually increase your activity level.
In honor of National Running Day, now is the ideal time of year to use your FSA to pick up an impressive range of products that can provide a major boost to your new active lifestyle. Be sure to check out for hundreds of products that qualify for your FSA funds, as well as our Learning Center to explore just how versatile your FSA can be!