FSA Calculator
Estimate how much you can save with an FSA
This handy FSA Calculator will help you estimate your health spending for the year so you can make an informed decision and take maximum advantage of your FSA.
Your privacy is important to us, the information you input throughout this tool will not be shared with any third party.
To start, please enter the following information about yourself.
Enter your annual income. If you are married and filing your taxes jointly, enter your combined annual household income. This will be used to determine your federal income tax bracket, and calculate your annual savings.
Enter the amount of money you expect to pay out-of-pocket (including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles) for the following services over the next year.
Many Over-the-Counter (OTC) medical items are FSA-eligible. Our site, FSAstore.com, makes it easy to figure out exactly which are covered, and easily buy them with your FSA Debit Card - no paperwork required! Browse through our site, or check our handy dynamic products list to see what types of items are covered.
Enter the amount of money you expect to pay out-of-pocket (including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles) for the following services.
Enter the amount of money you expect to pay out-of-pocket (including copayments, coinsurance and deductibles) for the following services.
Your Results
If you choose to contribute your total anticipated health expenses to an FSA*
- Your annual FSA contribution will be: $0
- Your estimated annual tax savings will be: $0
- Your monthly withholding will be: $0
- The difference in your after-tax monthly pay will be: $0
- You will break even if you spend at least this much out of your account: $0
- Without FSA
- With FSA
- Annual Income
- FSA Contribution
- Taxable Income
- Estimated Tax Withholding
- Estimated Health Expenses
- Net Pay
- Estimated Tax Savings
*The maximum allowed IRS contribution to your FSA in 2025 is up to $3,300, however your employer may enforce a lesser maximum. The estimated tax savings provided are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be construed as tax or legal advice. Consult a licensed tax professional for appropriate advice given your individual situation. Plan your FSA contribution carefully, as any unused funds may be forfeited following the end of your plan year or any deadline extension period thereafter.
**If you have a Health Savings Account, check out our HSA Tax Savings Calculator and HSA Future Value Calculator on HSAstore.com.