At, we guarantee that every product we carry is FSA eligible.
If you purchased a product from us and your FSA provider denies your purchase or claim for the sole reason* that the product(s) is not eligible, contact us at [email protected] with the info below and one of our FSA experts will help you. Please include:
- Your order number
- The SKU number of the item(s)
- The name of your FSA provider
We’ll provide you with substantiation for any product(s) in question and if your FSA provider still denies your claim based on eligibility of the product, we’ll give you a full refund (proof of denial required)!
*Please Note: Our guarantee applies only to purchases made directly through our website and does not extend to any links we may provide to services/products you purchase from a third party. There are many reasons for which a provider may not be able to approve your purchases or claim and some FSAs may not allow over-the-counter products or certain services. It is your responsibility to know the limitations of your plan.