Got a 12/31 FSA deadline? 10 ways to spend down

Do you have a 12/31 FSA deadline? December 31 will be here before you know it, which for many FSA users is their last chance to spend FSA funds before remaining funds are forfeited. While employers do have the option of offering a 2.5 month grace period or allow employees to roll over up to $500 after this date, the end of 2016 is crunch time for FSA holders!
Don't lose a cent of your hard-earned cash! If you're looking for ways to spend down your allocations, break out your FSA card and shop for thousands ofFSA eligible products at!
Here are a few of our favorites for the upcoming 12/31 FSA deadline:
Saline Nose Wipes
Cold and flu season is here. Instead of going through boxes upon boxes of tissues that can irritate the skin around your nose, opt for soothing saline nasal wipes to relieve your worst congestion symptoms.
Check Out: Boogie Wipes Unscented Saline Nose Wipes, 90 ct
You can never have enough bandages around the house when mishaps large and small take place. As long as they are in a cool, dry place, bandages have a nearly unlimited shelf life, so now is the perfect time to re-up!
Check Out: Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Adhesive Bandages 1 In, 100 ea
First Aid Kits
Is your home's first aid kit up to par? Or, do you have one in your car, boat or RV for emergency situations? Your FSA can cover a huge range of qualifying first aid kits to give you confidence in any dicey situation.
Check Out: Be Red Cross Ready First Aid Kit 125
Blood pressure monitor
FSAs cover a wide range of diagnostic products, but those who have been diagnosed with hypertension or have a history of heart disease should consider a blood pressure monitor. Many of these products are smartphone-compatible, and they can provide a long-term picture of one's blood pressure numbers to improve the patient's overall treatment.
Check Out: QardioArm Smart Blood Pressure Monitor
Whether you're still using traditional glass thermometers or another device is at the end of its lifespan, your FSA can cover a worthy replacement! Pick the perfect thermometer to suit you or a loved one's needs that measures temperature through the ear, mouth, forehead and other areas quickly and accurately.
Check Out: Caring Mill Instant Ear Thermometer
While the December 31 deadline may not have you thinking about fun in the sun, the sun's rays are still potent during outdoor activities in winter. Also, if you have a vacation on the horizon, this is the perfect time to pick up what you'll need to provide optimal sun care for you and your loved ones.
Check Out: La Roche Posay Sun Care
Eyeglass Accessories
Stay on top of your eye care regimen with an FSA. If you wear reading or prescription eyeglasses, shop a wide range of FSA eligible eyeglass accessories. Keep your lenses clear and enhance your eyewear lifespan with lens cleaning wipes.
Check Out: CareTouch Lens Wipes, 100 ct.
Ear Unclogger
Don't hurt your inner ears with cotton swabs ever again! An ear unclogger is the safest method to clear the Eustachian tubes through the body's own natural mechanism for clearing ears.
Check Out: Eustachi Ear Unclogger
Elastic Bandages
Flexible elastic bandages are extremely helpful in the event of muscle/joint sprains. They can also help stabilize an affected area to promote the healing process.
Check Out: ACE 3" Self-Adhering Elastic Bandage
These FSA eligible items come in a wide range of colors and styles to suit any lifestyle.
Check Out: Trojan Lubricated Latex Condoms, Pleasure Pack, 12 ea
Need even more shopping inspiration? Browse our 2016 End of Year Popular Product Guide!