2015 HSA limits announced

2015 Hsa Limits Announced | FSA Learning Center - FSA Store

UPDATE: To find out the HSA contribution limits for 2019, click here.

This post was written by FSAstore.com Compliance Director, Rachel Rouleau.

The IRS recently issued 2015 Health Savings Account (HSA) contribution limits (on April 24), adjusted for inflation by $50 for individuals and $100 for families.

The new limits are as follows for 2015:

  • HSA contribution maximums will be $3,350 for those participating in the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) as individuals and $6,650 for those participating in the HDHP as family.
  • Catch-up contribution for those age 55 and up remains $1,000.
  • Minimum deductible for the plan to qualify as an HSA eligible HDHP will be $1,300 individual and $2,600 for family.

For the remainder of calendar year 2014, the limits are as follows:

  • HSA contribution maximums are $3,300 for those participating in the HDHP as individuals and $6,550 for those participating in the HDHP as family.
  • Catch-up contribution for those age 55 and up is $1,000.
  • Minimum deductible for the plan to qualify as an HSA eligible HDHP is $1,250 for individual and $2,500 for family.

To access more information, IRS Rev. Proc. 2014-30 can be found here: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/rp-14-30.pdf.

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