A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) gives you the opportunity to pay for a variety of out-of-pocket medical expenses on a pre-tax basis. Dental care can certainly be a part of those expenses, but teeth whitening is not considered to be an FSA eligible expense.
Because it's considered cosmetic in nature, teeth whitening will not be reimbursed with your FSA. FSA eligibility is determined by IRS Code 213(d), which defines medical care as "amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease." Products and services used for cosmetic, personal hygiene, or general good health purposes are not reimbursable under 213(d) and are therefore not eligible with an FSA.

Other dental care that you can use your FSA for:
- Extractions and implants
- Dentures
- Caps and crowns
- Fluoride treatment
- Orthodontia*
*Your FSAs will list specific guidelines about coverage for orthodontia. Check with your FSA administrator to discover what's covered.
Are toothbrushes or toothpastes ever considered an FSA eligible expense? Learn more about these in this blog post.
Search our extensive FSAstore.com Eligibility List to learn about additional FSA eligible expenses. If you're ever unsure about eligibility, contact your FSA administrator (or your HR department) to find out what's covered under your FSA.