Contact lens care with your FSA

Contact Lenses

"Nearly all of the 41 million Americans who use contact lenses admit they engage in at least one type of risky behavior that can lead to eye infections," according to new research from a recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Out of the people surveyed, four out of five respondents said they were keeping in their contact lenses too long (or longer than the recommended time), and over half of people said they mixed old and new disinfecting solutions into their contact lens cases. Half of those surveyed also said they wore contact lenses while sleeping.

Do you wear contact lenses? Make sure to protect your eyes from eye infections and other concerns, by keeping your contact lenses clean and comfortable to avoid pain or infections.

What else can you do to take care of your contact lenses?

The CDC has 5tips to make sure you protect your eyes and take care of your contact lenses to reduce eye infections:

1. Before touching your contact lenses, clean your hands with soap and water.

2. Do not keep contact lenses in your eyes while swimming, showering or sleeping.

3. After removing your contact lenses, be sure to place them in disinfecting solutions. You can use your FSA to buy disinfecting solutions at FSA Store.

4. In addition to cleaning your contact lenses, also clean their case with disinfecting solution. Did you know you could use an FSA to buy contact lens cases, as well? Never mix old and new disinfecting solutions.

5. Did you know you should also replace your contact lens cases every three months? Always carry a pair of prescription eyeglasses with you, just in case.

The CDC's Dr. Jennifer Cope, a medical epidemiologist, said, "Good vision contributes to overall well-being and independence for people of all ages, so it's important not to cut corners on healthy contact lens wear and care."

"We are finding that many wearers are unclear about how to properly wear and care for contact lenses," she added.

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