Get allergy relief and save with an FSA

It seems everywhere you turn this week, allergies are out of control. Whether you're commuting to work, walking around the park, or even waiting in line at the store, it seems that allergy season is in full swing.

Sneezing, sniffling, itchy eyes...they're all tell-tale signs of allergies.

Why would you suffer through these symptoms?

Did you know a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can help you fight off allergy symptoms? Check out FSA eligible products for allergy relief and save up to 40% by using your FSA on our site.

You can easily shop for FSA eligible products at whether you have an FSA card or not. An FSA card works much like a debit card in that it automatically deducts the payment from your FSA funds. You won't have to deal with any more paperwork as a result, which saves you time and energy. Not all FSA plans provide an FSA card, though. If you don't have an FSA card, simply use a major credit card or debit card at checkout and submit a receipt to your FSA administrator for reimbursement. It's best to check in with your FSA administrator to find out how claims are processed under your plan, that way you save yourself time and find more information about any necessary paperwork.

With an FSA, you can shop for these items (and more) to get relief:

  • neti pots
  • saline solution or nasal spray
  • vaporizers
  • cooling headache sheets

OTC Medicines

  • Allergy medicines are available with an FSA with a prescription from your doctor. You need to obtain a prescription due to healthcare reform changes that started in January 2011. You only need a prescription if you plan to get reimbursed for these products with your Flexible Spending Account. We can also help you process your prescriptions through our Rx Process.

Curious about anything else an FSA may cover? Browse FSA eligible expenses in our newly expanded Eligibility List. The Eligibility List lets you sort through 800 different products and services, and view these based on the plan you have including FSAs, Health Savings Accounts, and more!