How to bounce back from sports injuries with KT Tape

Athletic tape hasn’t changed much over the past several decades, but it’s still one of the most reliable means of providing added support to injured muscles, joints and tendons, as well as speeding the healing process and preventing re-injury.

It may seem like tape had reached its developmental zenith, but one of the most exciting new products at has revolutionized how athletes respond to injuries: KT Tape.

KT Tape (the ‘K’ stands for kinesiology, the scientific study of human movement) has been embraced by professional athletes worldwide. It’s made up of specially-engineered, ultra-durable synthetic fabric for increased strength and elasticity. It attaches with a resilient adhesive that will stay active through exposure to water, sweat and any other moisture.

Best of all, you can pick up KT Tape in your favorite colors or one of thousands of FSA eligible products and be quickly reimbursed through your consumer spending account with!

So how does it work and how can you use KT Tape to respond to your most common sports injuries? Let’s leave it to the experts to show you how to effectively utilize this great new FSA eligible product.

Ankle Sprains

A sprained ankle can put you out of commission for days and weeks, and the injury occurs when the ligaments in your ankle are stretched or torn. In the case of stretched, aching ligaments that constitute a Grade I sprain, KT Tapecan be used to stabilize the area to prevent re-injury and speed the healing process.

Check out a tutorial video:

Plantar Fasciitis

As one of the most common causes of heel pain, plantar fasciitis refers to pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot to connect your heel bone to your toes. This can cause searing pain that usually occurs during your first few steps in the morning and throughout the day. It is typically caused by poorly-fitting shoes and is common among runners and individuals with irregular foot arches. KT Tapeis a great solution for everyday use, as well as providing therapy at night to keep the foot in a corrective position to lessen early morning pain.

Check out a tutorial Video:

Hamstring Strains

Hamstring injuries are particularly common in soccer, football, basketball, tennis and other sports that typically have sudden starts and stops that can lead to tears, tightness, or cramping. Typically, these issues can be resolved with a combination of rest, hot and cold therapy, and the immobilization of the area with KT TAPE athletic tape.

Check out a tutorial video:

Knee Stability

Knee issues can arise from a wide variety of sources, be it the joint itself or the ligaments, tendons or that surround the knee. Knee pain can vary from a slight twinge during exercise to debilitating pain that can interfere with your day-to-day activities. It’s vital to talk with a doctor or physical therapist to discover the source of the injury. KT Tape can help stabilize this areaor boost your rehabilitative time by preventing further strain.

Check out a tutorial video:

These tutorials just scratch the surface of the potential of KT Tape, which has truly revolutionized how athletic tape is used in the treatment of sports and everyday strain injuries.