Romance, Valentine's Day and your FSA

Romance, Valentine's Day and Your FSA

Valentine's Day -- some see it as a "Hallmark holiday." Others see it as the most love-filled day of the year. But, no matter your opinion on the day itself, most Americans still like to cozy up and enjoy the romance in the air.

Maybe we don't discuss love and affection much around here. But then again, maybe we should. Let's take a closer look at some surprisingly eligible products that can help warm up a chilly Valentine's Day, while also helping you stay healthy and happy on the most romantic night of the year.

Set the right mood…

Since dinners, drinks and movies aren't FSA-eligible, let's assume the night goes well with your significant other, and things will head back to the homefront. What better way to ease tensions and relax each other than through a gentle, romantic massage?

Now, to be clear, massage therapy isn't FSA-eligible. However, items like the Kanjō Memory acuPressure Mat can help turn your home massage into something entirely more comfortable, relaxing, and even therapeutic.

This mat offers a simple, yet effective at-home solution for neck and back pain. Taken from the ancient Chinese methodologies used in acupuncture, this high-density memory foam mat targets acupressure points to reduce pain throughout the body.

No one wants to start a relaxing evening with tense shoulders or nagging pain points. Let your FSA help you boost your massage game, and ease your aches, all in one product.

And if the night progresses further…

Let's start off with some very good news -- condoms are FSA-eligible. We can't say for certain where your evenings may go, but we also can't stress enough how important safety is for whatever you might have planned.

Condoms are an effective contraceptive when used correctly, which is great for family planning. But they are also one of most effective ways to avoid sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This alone is a great reason for everyone to have condoms on hand if the night heats up. has a large selection of condoms for the romantically inclined, alongside items like personal lubricants, such as K-Y Jelly, which has a wide range of healthcare uses.

Ensure the good feelings last until morning…

It doesn't matter if you're new friends or married for 35 years, few things will kill the romance more than snoring. Thankfully, anti-snore guards and remedies are FSA-eligible with a Letter of Medical Necessity (LMN) from a physician. If you or your partner have a medical condition that leads to snoring, and a doctor has recognized how it will be used to treat your specific medical condition, your FSA can help.

For less-intense cases of snoring (maybe from eating too many chocolates, or sipping too much champagne), you should also consider a simple moisturizing nasal spray, which helps free up dry airways, so your breathing is smoother, and your sleep is more restful… for everyone in the room.

No matter how you plan on spending your holiday, consider the above tips when planning your evenings. Be safe. Be confident. Be romantic. And #getflexsmart by using your FSA to enhance and improve every part of your well-being.

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