See clearer with your FSA during Contact Lens Health Week

See Clearer With Your FSA During Contact Lens Health Week

With a new school year approaching, kids that require contacts have a lot more to prep before heading back into the classroom. Proper contact lens care should start from a young age, which is the impetus behind Contact Lens Health Week, an initiative sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) August 21-27, 2017.

Whether you or a loved one have trouble reading from far away or up close, contacts pose a much larger financial burden than perfect vision. This week, as you make an effort to teach your kids about proper contact lens care, you can save money and boost their care regimens by using your FSA funds! Let's explore the huge range of vision correction products and accessories your benefit covers.

  1. Contact Lenses

First and foremost, contact lenses are major expenses for any family, but you can avoid paying out-of-pocket for these vision correction aides by shopping with your FSA funds instead! Whether you opt for disposal or regular-use lenses, you can anticipate how many of these products you or a family member will use over the course of a year to save on taxes and shipping fees. Check out our Optical Store to find out more!

  1. Contact Lens Cases

One of the hallmarks of Contact Lens Health Week is encouraging users to properly store and clean their contact lenses as often as possible to avoid eye issues and potential infections. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), contact lens cases should be cleaned regularly and they should be replaced every 3 months to avoid contamination.

  1. Contact Lens Solution

Contact lenses should always be placed in a sterile solution such as contact lens solution as an effective disinfectant against bacteria and other environmental particulates. The AAO suggests the "rub and rinse" method: start by washing your hands to remove any germs that may be present on your fingers. Next, rub the surface of the contacts with your fingers, rinse them with the contact lens solution, and then place them into a fresh case with new solution for the optimal cleaning method for contacts.

  1. Vision Exam

Last but not least, as the school year kicks off and a new season begins, this is the perfect time of year for you or a loved one to visit your ophthalmologist and receive your regular eye exam. This will ensure that your vision correction prescriptions are up-to-date, and you can cover the cost of your visit with your FSA!

This Contact Lens Health Week, make sure you have everything your family needs to promote optimal eye health by shopping at! We have the web's largest selection of FSA-eligible products to help you maximize the potential of your healthcare benefits!


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