Debunking common sunscreen myths

Today, most people are already well aware of just how important sunscreen is to staying healthy while being exposed to the sun. It helps prevent skin cancer, premature aging, wrinkles, and sunburns and is an essential component of all skincare routines.
But for something so common and important, it tends to be totally misunderstood by many. What exactly does sunscreen do? Are they all the same? And how often do you need to put it on? Even people who use sunscreen on a near daily basis might not be aware of the real answers to these important questions.
Understanding the truth about how sunscreen works and how you should really be using it will allow you to get the full benefits from the product while enjoying your time in the sun. Let's start with these...
Myth 1: You only need sunscreen when it's hot and sunny out
Many people think you only need to apply sunscreen when the sun is directly shining down on you in a cloudless sky. But the truth is that the UV rays from the sun are always harmful, even if it doesn't feel hot out. Even on an overcast day when only your face and arms are exposed, you should be using sunscreen.
Myth 2: All sunscreen is created equal
There are a lot of people who believe that all sunscreen gets the job done equally well. What many people don't realize is that there are a slew of various active ingredients in the different brands that protect users from harmful rays in different ways. This is why it's so important to use a full spectrum sunscreen that will protect you from UVA and UVB light.
Myth 3: Sunscreen is waterproof and sweatproof
It's not uncommon to see sunscreens labeled as waterproof or sweatproof. Unfortunately, these labels lull people into a false sense of security as no sunscreen can be totally waterproof or sweat resistant. Always reapply sunscreen after you've been in the water or working out. You should also let sunscreen settle on your skin for 10-15 minutes before jumping into the water.
Myth 4: You only need to apply sunscreen once a day
Contrary to popular belief, one application of sunscreen will not last you all day. The truth is that sunscreen loses its effectiveness fairly quickly as the ingredients break down in the UV light. For maximum protection, you should apply a new coat of sunscreen every 2-4 hours.
Myth 5: If you use sunscreen, there's no need to cover up
It's easy to think that sunscreen will totally protect you from harmful UV rays, so many people don't bother covering up with hats or clothing when they head out. In reality, sunscreen will never make you totally safe from the sun, and covering up is far more effective. Wear long sleeves and wide-brimmed hats for the best protection.
Myth 6: People with darker skin don't need sunscreen
While it's true that people with more melanin in their skin are naturally better protected against sunburns than people with fair skin, they aren't immune to the negative effects of sun exposure. Melanin diffuses UVB rays, but it doesn't block UVA light. It's also important to note that darker skin is not protected from skin cancer or premature skin aging caused by sun exposure.