Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer (60%+ Alcohol): FSA Eligibility
Anti-Bacterial Hand Sanitizer (60%+ Alcohol): eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)FSA Eligible PPE
IRS Announcement 2021-7
What is anti-bacterial hand sanitizer?
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer is an antiseptic that typically contains ethyl alcohol as a primary ingredient to kill viruses and bacteria that a person can come into contact with over the course of the day and may still linger on their extremities. While the most effective means of cleaning one's hands is still warm water and soap, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer was invented in 1966 as a means of preventing the spread of pathogens and disease when traditional means weren't available.
While ethyl alcohol is the primary ingredient found in most commercial anti-bacterial hand sanitizers, they may also contain water, fragrance and glycerin as well. However, as more products come to market and some individuals opt for homemade remedies, it's vital to remember that the alcohol concentration found in these products is pivotal for their germ-killing abilities. When shopping for anti-bacterial hand sanitizer, pay particular attention to the ingredient lists, and in particular, the product's overall alcohol concentration. Ethyl alcohol, ethanol, isopropanol or other variations are acceptable, but anti-bacterial hand sanitizer must contain an alcohol concentration between 60 and 95 percent to truly eliminate viruses and bacteria (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and FSA/HSA/HRA reimbursement
Anti-bacterial hand sanitizer will only be eligible when the primary purpose is for prevention of COVID-19, and it contains as least 60% alcohol. A benefits administrator may require documentation to show that the item qualifies for reimbursement. In all cases, speaking with your benefits administrator can help you identify what will and what will not qualify with your plan.