First Aid Kit: FSA Eligibility
First Aid Kit: eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)FSA Eligible First Aid
Why do you need a first aid kit?
When traveling and on the move, it may be hard to find or reach a drug store nearby to purchase needed first aid materials. As an actual precaution or just a matter of convenience, you should bring along a first aid kit whenever you go on vacation or will be on the go move for several days (
A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept within easy reach, is also a necessity even at home. Having all the necessary supplies gathered ahead of time and in one place will help you handle any emergency as quickly as possible. You should keep one first-aid kit in your home and one in each car as well. Make sure to store them someplace easy to get to but still out of reach of young children. Older children in the family should know where they are located and understand the purpose of them.
Can you assemble your own first aid kit?
You can stock your own first kit by buying all the necessary items and them putting them in some sort of container. Assembling your own kit can be particularly useful in allowing you to tailor to any special needs you or your family has. A water-resistant, drop-proof container is the best kind. You can use re-sealable sandwich or oven bags to help compartmentalize the items and make it easy on you when you need to retrieve something.
What is in a first aid kit?
There is no requirement for what you need to have in a first aid kit. Some recommended items include adhesive tape, bandages of all sizes, instant cold packs, cotton swabs, soap or hand sanitizer, antiseptic solution, antibiotic ointment, thermometer, medications, and more. Try to keep a variety of sizes for items like bandages to better cater to different accidents that may occur (WebMD).
Where should you keep your first aid kit?
The best place to keep your first aid kit is in the kitchen as most family activities take place there. Try to keep it in a dry place and not the bathroom where there is too much humidity, shortening the lifespan of some of the items. When traveling, keep it in a suitcase, backpack, or dry bag, depending on the activity.