Medical Alert Bracelet: FSA Eligibility
Medical Alert Bracelet: eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)FSA Eligible Home Safety
What are medical alert bracelets?
Medical alert bracelets are conspicuous bracelets, emblems or tags attached to a bracelet or clothing, or other physical indicator meant to be seen by a medical professional in a moment where immediate medical attention is required. Medical alert bracelets include important information about an individual's medical status, allergies, and other factors that may affect the treatment an individual receives in an emergency situation (MedicAlert Foundation).
There are many medical and chronic conditions that would warrant the wearing of a medical bracelet. Some more common conditions include Alzheimer's disease, allergies, asthma, autism, rare blood types, dementia, diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, MAOI usage, and the use of a pacemaker (American Medical ID).
Medical alert bracelets also commonly have contact information that can help medical professionals reach parents or supporters of the individual to coordinate further medical care.
Medical alert bracelets are usually made of stainless steel with an inscription containing the patient's name, medical data, and contact information of a family member. Modernized medical alert bracelets may incorporate QR codes or NFC tags as well. Because of technological considerations in the application of immediate medical aid, medical alert bracelets will usually still have engraved or readable data as well as digital data that can be read by a computer or mobile device. There are also silicon bracelets for sale off-the-shelf which contain only the most generic information about a medical condition or allergy.
Medical alert bracelets are Over-the-Counter (OTC) medical products eligible for reimbursement with consumer-directed healthcare accounts.