Ovulation Monitor: FSA Eligibility
Ovulation Monitor: eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)FSA Eligible Pregnancy & Fertility Kits
What is an ovulation monitor?
An ovulation monitor is a device that helps with family planning and reproductive health. Ovulation monitors assist the user in becoming aware of their own fertility based on their menstrual cycle. The goal of an ovulation monitor is to assist the user in determining their most fertile days of their cycle in order to achieve a pregnancy. Ovulation monitors are electronic devices that can analyze a variety of indicators including urine, body temperature, saliva, and other bodily fluids. Ovulation monitors read one of these indicators, or a combination of them, to determine the timing of a user's cycle and provide recommendations on ideal times to attempt conception (American Pregnancy Association).
Ovulation monitors that measure body temperature actually target something called basal body temperature (BBT). Basal body temperature is collected after the longest sleep of the day, usually in the morning. Ovulation is indicated by a rise in BBT.
Ovulation monitors that measure indicators in urine target something called lutenizing hormone (LH). Ovulation monitors will indicate that ovulation is occurring about 12 to 36 hours after reading a certain concentration of LH.
Other ovulation monitors may detect the electrical resistance in saliva and vaginal fluids as another way of indicating fertility and ovulation.
Ovulation monitors can be standalone electronic devices, or come with sensors that interact with a smartphone or other device to provide readings, feedback and advice. Ovulation monitors may come equipped to read BBT, LH, and/or bodily fluids in a combination designed by the manufacturer. A medical professional can provide advice on which type of ovulation monitor is appropriate for use.