Nasal Spray: FSA Eligibility

Nasal Spray: eligible with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Nasal sprays are eligible for reimbursement with a flexible spending account (FSA), health savings account (HSA), or a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). Nasal sprays are not eligible with a dependent care flexible spending account (DCFSA) or a limited-purpose flexible spending account (LPFSA).

FSA Eligible Cold & Allergy

What are nasal sprays?

Nasal Sprays refer to corticosteroid sprays that help the nasal passage remain unblocked by mucus and secretions (WebMD). 

Common medical conditions for which a nasal spray is helpful include severe allergies, sleep apnea, and nasal polyps.

Nasal sprays apply corticosteroids to the inner nostril. It should be used every day and may require time in order to show any effect. Nasal sprays that are meant to help with allergies and sleep apnea work by helping reduce the amount of blockage from mucus and bodily fluids in the nasal passage. This allows individuals to sleep more easily. For individuals with severe allergies, the nasal spray should be used before allergy season begins (Everyday Health).

Individuals should tell a medical professional about the symptoms of their medical conditions and explain how the severity of symptoms such as a runny nose or blocked nasal passage prevents them sleeping or enjoying a reasonable quality of life.

Nasal spray side effects include dry nose, sneezing, infection, irritation, and more. If bleeding occurs, contact a medical professional immediately.

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